Sunday, July 15, 2007

Back in Salta

After yesterday´s attempt at hiking, I decided to do some touristy stuff in town. My first stop was the cabildo on the plaza, which houses a local history museum, but I found the architecture to be much more interesting than the museum:

I ate lunch on the plaza (while a street musician played "Salta, La Linda" and then headed over to Cerro San Bernardo, a large hill on the east side of the city with a set of 1,070 steps (or a gondola) to get to the top. On the way I took some pictures of Salta´s other landmark church, Iglesia San Francisco:

At any rate, 1,070 steps is a LOT! Here´s a (slightly smoggy) view from the top:

Also, there was an Andean jam band playing at the top:

Tomorrow: Day Trip to Jujuy City

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