Sunday, July 8, 2007

Trekking, Rapelling, Thermals and Snowmen on Cars!

Today I decided to take one of the "adventure" tours on offer at the hostel. When I woke up it was freezing cold and snowing, so I threw on my ski gear since we were going to go for a hike and then rappel down some rock walls before visiting a nearby hot springs in the mountains.

Unfortunately, some of the other group members failed to notice that it was, um, snowing and stuff and showed up for the hike in sneakers and jeans. We were halfway up the hill when several began to refuse to walk any further, so the whole group had to walk down the icy hill. This also meant that we couldn´t do the first two rappels because they weren´t accessible without climbing the hill, but the last, and also the largest (150 ft), could still be done.

Here I go!
After the rappelling, we went over to the hot springs to relax for a while, and then headed back into the city. On the way, we saw people building small snowmen on the hoods or roofs of their cars. Our guide explained that it is customary here to put snowmen on your car, rather than in front of your house.

An example:

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