Monday, May 21, 2007

What´s up with the sun?

I´ve noticed that I have been having a little problem navigating Buenos Aires without a map, and for that I blame the sun. In my past experience with that big firey thing in the sky, it generally goes up in the east, passes overhead around noon or so, and then sets in the west.

Not so much here.

L. was kind enough to enlighten me over lunch last Saturday. There are two reasons why the sun rises in the east here, and then just sort of hangs around for a while, and then kind of sneaks off without setting. The first reason is that it is winter here, and because we´re so far south, the daylight hours get kind of messed up, and the sun moves pretty much from north east to north west during the day, but we´re not so far south that there is no daylight at all. Secondly, there are no sunsets in Buenos Aires because the Andes alter the western horizon and block the sunset rays from reaching the city.

Oh, and I started Spanish classes today, which is not really all that exciting as so far it´s mostly review of all the stuff I´d managed to forget--damn you irregular preterites!

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