Sunday, May 20, 2007

Kayaking in the Paraná Delta

L.´s two oldest sons have a kayak tours business in Tigre, which is where the Paraná River meets the Rio Plata, creating a huge delta where lots of people have vacation homes. Sunday is a popular day for speedboats and jetskis, so C. and N. generally go kayaking for their own enjoyment and don´t take clients out because the water is too choppy. I had never been kayaking before, and I thought that may arms were going to fall off after the first twenty minutes or so, but it got easier after that.

The Paraná Delta is very beautiful, with vacation houses with manicured lawns and non-native trees alternating with unbroken patches of wetlands, although the water itself is an ugly muddy brown and there are TONS of mosquitos. We paddled past the house of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, one of Argentina´s early presidents, whose house is preserved in a glass and steel box:

Some nice fall foliage:

We took a lunch break at one of C.´s friend´s aunt´s vacation house, where I had my first mate, and then paddled back to the launching ramp.


amm said...

I had to get a blogger account to leave any messages.

The kayaking looks like fun, but hwere are the whales?


Unknown said...

Happy to see you have arrived and are doing well. The cemetery pictures were interesting. They were for me right? I will share.

I also learned the tango many years ago, but I'm sure not like you.

Enjoy! Look forward to more