Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Our Lady of the Good Airs of the Subte

After class today (which is located at Avenida Callao and Avenida Corrientes in an area whose ugliness reminds me a LOT of the boring parts of Midtown Manhattan) I hoofed it over to Calle Florida, which is kind of the uber-tourist shopping street, closed to traffic and lined with leather goods stores (hi, Mom!) and souvenir shops selling tango and mate-related tchokes.

I hopped on the subte at Catedral, and while I was waiting for the train I found this on the wall at one end of the platform:

If you can´t see from the kind of blurry picture, the image of the Virgin is set in tiles on the wall, the artifical flowers and ribbons and whatnot are attached to the wall. There was also a prayer further down the wall (translated): "Oh Mary, my mother, comfort of the mortal, protect us and guide us to the celestial homeland." Some protection and guidance against Subte pickpockets would have been nice too, but oh well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's great to know you are watching out for my shopping addiction 7000 miles away. Did you see a nice brown mid-length (cover the butt) leather jacket that I might like?

I miss you......