Sunday, June 10, 2007

Fería San Telmo

After getting back from Uruguay last night, I slept in this morning and then headed over to San Telmo to check out the antiques/flea market that is held every Sunday in Plaza Dorrego, although in reality the street fair extends for multiple blocks on either side of the plaza and even further up Calle Defensa.

During the 19th century, San Telmo was a fashionable neighborhood to live in until a yellow fever epidemic struck in 1871 century and the surviving porteño elites decided to move to higher ground north and west of the city center. The mansions of San Telmo were then converted into conventillos (tenements), however a lot of the neighborhood´s original colonial-style exterior architecture, as well as the neighborhood´s cobblestone streets, have been preserved.

The flea market was packed with merchants and shoppers, so there wasn´t really anything to take pictures of aside from other tourists, however the colonial architecture and overall atmosphere may make San Telmo my favorite Buenos Aires neighborhood so far.

On the way, back, in the subway station, I noticed these decorative tiles incorporated into the mosaic next to the platform:

Karen--any ideas? =)

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