Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Iguazu Falls, Take 1

I was supposed to fly to Iguazu, which is in the northeastern province of Misiones, today to see the waterfalls, but unfortunately when I got to Aeroparque this morning, the Aerolineas Argentinas check-in counters looked like this:

Aren´t those guys supposed to be on the other side of the desks?

After days of delayed Aerolineas flights (due to the fog that has been blanketing the city on a daily basis since Thursday) the check in staff, tired of being harassed by passengers (or being opportunistic, depending on who´s doing the explaining) instituted a work slowdown yesterday--which (inevitably) lead to a pissed off passenger assaulting an employee--and walked off the job this morning, meaning that all flights today were cancelled, in addition to those cancelled yesterday and over the weekend.

So I spent the day waiting in line to talk to an Aerolineas employee, received a cash refund of my ticket, and booked myself on the bus to Iguazu, which leaves at 9pm tonight and gets to Iguazu at 1:30pm tomorrow.

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