Saturday, June 23, 2007

Trying to get to Bariloche...

Originally, my plan was to leave for Bariloche tonight, via long-distance bus, but unfortunately the routes through the Andes have been closed by snowy conditions, which bodes well for the skiing, if I can only get out west!

For now the plan is to go to Esquel (more or less due west from Puerto Madryn) and wait there until the routes are clear.

Since I had an unexpected free day in Puerto Madryn, I went over to Punta Loma, another protected area located outside Península Valdés, with José and Bruno to check out the sea lions that live there. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my camera, so I don´t have any pictures, however the sea lions at Punta Loma were much better than those at Península Valdés, as there were more of them and they were making a LOT of noise.

After Punta Loma, we headed back to the hostel and hung out, as it was freezing cold outside, and then I went to bed early in order to not miss my bus to Esquel in the morning.

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